Clean Water
The water problem in northern Nigeria
Imagine walking hours in the scorching sun to draw water from a shrinking lake. It’s the same place cattle, goats, and wild animals drink and bathe. Every day there are thousands of people jostling for a spot to get water too!
Although Nigeria - Africa's most populous country - has large oil reserves, only a small upper class benefits from this wealth because of the prevailing corruption. Large parts of the population are impoverished and live in miserable conditions. In rural areas there is often a lack of any infrastructure to provide people with basic services - be it roads, hospitals or clean drinking water.
A practical reminder of God's love
Around 30 million people live in completely Islamic northern Nigeria. An average family in northern Nigeria has as much water available per day as we use to flush a toilet: about 2 or 3 gallons. To get this water they often have to walk anywhere from 6 to 12 miles! By drilling for water and building wells in the villages of northern Nigeria, Call of Hope is able to contribute to the water supply there. Muslims can then experience God's love for them in a practical way: drinking water. Call of Hope’s Famer Evangelists in northern Nigeria repeatedly report how grateful the villagers are for the fresh water. The well in the middle of the village becomes a meeting point where they can have conversations with Muslims about their faith in Jesus Christ.