Arabic, French, English, Armenian
4,036 sq mi
Approx. 4.5 million, plus approx. 2 million refugees
65% Muslim, 30% Christian

Light for Lebanon
Today, Lebanon faces a humanitarian crisis like never before. Already reeling from the Syrian Refugee Crisis, a severe economic downturn, and the lingering devastation of the Beirut blast, this resilient nation faces yet another challenge. More than 1.2 million people, mostly women and children, are now internally displaced, fleeing violence with nowhere to turn!
Your support is needed now more than ever as our team in Lebanon works to meet urgent needs and bring lasting hope.
For just $52, you can send a Parcel of Hope to a family that may have lost everything. Together, with your prayers and gifts, we can make a difference for those living through this tragedy.
Life in Lebanon
War in the Middle East has created a scene of chaos and turmoil, especially in Lebanon. The tiny country had barely recovered from their own civil war when they were flooded with over 1.5 million refugees from the civil war in Syria. This violence, however, has not stopped the spread of God’s Word among Muslim people!
Call of Hope has had a presence in Lebanon for decades. Today we work to meet the needs of the millions of refugees in Lebanon through food, supplies, and the hope of a new life in Christ. Call of Hope also provides vocational skills training, medical care, and a spiritual mentorship program for the blind and disabled. Through these unique and growing ministries, we have seen ISIS terrorists come to Christ, Muslim teachers become Christian evangelists, and thousands receiving the care and help they need in this pivotal time in Lebanon’s history.
A Little History
Lebanon is a country of stark contrasts. With its multi-party system, Lebanon is the freest Arab country yet one of the most unstable. A small class affords lavish living while half of the population suffers well below the poverty level. In the 1950s, all signs indicated Lebanon was a successful Arab democracy. This dream was shattered by the opposing interests of different ethnic groups, causing a bloody civil war that started in 1975 and lasted until 1990.
More recently, after the start of the Syrian Civil War in 2011, hundreds of thousands of refugees began to pour across the Lebanon-Syrian Border. Even now after much of this conflict has been subdued, refugees continue to migrate to Lebanon every day. Many of them come with nothing but the clothes on their backs.
In the fall of 2024, due to the current conflicts in the region, the crisis continues with more refugees fleeing the violence within the borders of Lebanon. Many innocent parties in the region have been forced to flee their homes and seek safety. This has become a time of immense uncertainty and danger!
The suffering is unimaginable. People are fleeing to so-called "safer" places, but they find only despair. Some are living on the streets without food, others in parks with no proper shelter or sanitary facilities. With the harsh winter approaching, they sleep on the cold ground with only cardboard or plastic sheets for protection, which offers no shield from the rain. Others are sheltered not in tents but under makeshift covers of plastic and cardboard that do nothing to keep out the water. People are cold, hungry, and losing hope.

Our Work in Lebanon
Guided by the words of Jesus and empowered by His strength, we are bringing hope to Lebanon amidst its turmoil and distress. Through acts of compassion, Frontline Workers are sharing Christ's love with those suffering from the horrors of war and violence.
We provide immediate and essential life sustaining relief to suffering victims including:
Food Parcels
Ready to Eat Hot Meals
Mattresses, Pillows, and Blankets
Heating Fuel/Firewood
Cleaning Supplies
New Testaments and Christian Literature
Care, Comfort, and Trauma Counseling to Victims
Our goal is to spread the Gospel even amid war and violence. Frontline Workers in Lebanon see daily how these hard times have opened hearts to Jesus. At our Call of Hope center in the Bekaa Valley, they lead Bible studies and offer refugees a place to find trust and support. Visiting those living in fields, tents, or garages, our workers provide practical help and share the love of Christ!
Call of Hope Projects in Lebanon
Call of Hope Frontline Workers are always on their way to the people in the refugee camps to distribute live-saving aid as well as the Gospel of Christ!
After the Beirut blast a few years ago, our Frontline Workers immediately jumped into action, providing rent, food, counseling, and more.
In Lebanon, our co-workers regularly organize missions with mobile medical teams in areas of need. Refugees who otherwise have no access to medical care receive free medical treatment and medication.
The heart of our work is the scriptural mission. We distribute numerous evangelistic writings and books in over 40 languages, in which we address the important fundamentals of the Christian faith.
The blind and disabled are often even more disadvantaged compared to other refugees in school education and training. Call of Hope offers training to these children, such as computer classes, music lessons, and more.