Literature Distribution
The Word of God for Muslims in over 40 languages
As Call of Hope, we would like to contribute to the fulfillment of the mission order of Jesus (Matthew 28,18-20). That's why one of our main focuses is on the distribution and explanation the Word of God to the billions of Muslims worldwide. The heart of our work is the scriptures mission: On one hand, our employees distribute many Bibles to Muslims. In addition, we distribute numerous evangelistic writings and booklets in over 40 languages, in which important foundations of the Christian faith and the Bible are explained in an understandable way, especially for Muslims.
Distance Bible courses for tens of thousands of Muslims
Every year, our more than 200 employees pass on tens of thousands of evangelistic writings and Bibles to Muslims around the world. Our pocket and wall calendars with printed Bible verses are particularly suitable for passing on to Muslims. Our literature are usually printed in the respective country itself - sometimes this has to be done secretly underground. Our correspondence centers in Africa and Asia serve tens of thousands of participants in our Bible courses - interested Muslims who want to learn more about the Bible and the Christian faith.