Persecutor to Preacher, Part 1: The Radical Transformation of Abdul in Northern Nigeria
*To protect the safety of Abdul and other individuals, the images used in this blog post have been generated. Any resemblance to real people is purely coincidental. These images are for illustrative purposes and are only meant to serve as a visual aid.*
Nigeria, the most populous country in Africa with over 200 million people, is divided into a predominantly Islamic North and a Christian South. Northern states adopted Sharia law, and groups like Boko Haram and Fulani Militia have emerged, determined to eradicate Western influence and Christianity from the region.
Abdul’s uncertainty about heaven troubled him constantly.
Abdul, once a devout Muslim who persecuted Christians, found himself in turmoil despite his strict adherence to Islam. "I was terrified of hell," he said, believing he had to perform countless good deeds to earn a place in paradise. Despite his religious devotion, Abdul couldn’t shake the fear of falling into hell. In an attempt to secure his place in heaven, he became part of a Muslim organization that secretly disrupted Christian activities, even participating in the burning of churches.
One day, Abdul infiltrated a church service and, after attending for several weeks, he approached the pastor and said, "I would like to become a Christian." He began to read his Bible and was even baptized, but in secret, he continued to spy on the Christians in hopes of gaining favor with Allah. At one point, he helped destroy a shipment of Bibles bound for northern Nigeria. Yet, despite all his "good deeds" against Christians, his inner fear and unrest grew.
Over time, Abdul began to notice something striking about the Christians he persecuted. “They seemed to be much happier than I ever was,” he observed, seeing in them a certainty about their salvation that Muslims are not allowed to have. "A Muslim believer is not allowed to be certain about his or her salvation. Only Allah knows who will be saved." This made him question his actions.
Pastor Obasi preaches on 1 Kings, striking conviction into Abdul’s heart.
After six years of living a double life, Abdul was invited to a church conference where an elderly pastor preached on 1 Kings 18:21, “How long will you waver between two opinions? If the LORD is God, follow him; but if Baal is God, follow him.” Abdul felt personally addressed. The pastor’s words hit him hard: “How long will you waver? If you want to be a Christian, then really be a Christian!” Abdul felt a "supernatural power from heaven" urging him to stand. He reluctantly stood up, and after a moment of resistance, knelt before the pastor and surrendered his life to Jesus.
Immediately, Abdul faced severe persecution from his Muslim community. He had to seek refuge with an elderly pastor in another village. “I like you. God likes you. I really like you,” the pastor told him, and he prayed for Abdul, asking God to give him a “wonderful, beautiful wife.” On a youth outreach, Abdul met a nurse named Mary, and after a brief conversation, he was convinced she was his future wife. "Would you like to marry me?" he asked her, and though she didn’t answer, her smile convinced him that she was in love with him.
Abdul and Mary get married despite threats from the Muslim community.
When Abdul returned to the pastor, he declared, "I have found my wife!" However, he hadn’t asked for her name or the name of her father. Later, Abdul learned that the nurse’s father, Pastor Obasi, was the same pastor who had taken him in. "I’ve been praying for you for a wife. Now the Lord has put me to the test,” said the pastor. The marriage arrangements were made, and Abdul and Mary had four children together, serving God in northern Nigeria.
Abdul and his wife Mary look on as their home is engulfed in flames.
Their service was not without great cost. An angry Muslim mob threatened to kill them, and their house was burned down. Several Christian neighbors were killed. Despite these dangers, they continued to shelter a young Muslim convert whose life was in danger, knowing the risks. When their son Solomon was murdered by a Muslim killer squad, Abdul responded with incredible grace, saying, “Even if they kill all our four children—every loss of a child will draw us closer to the Lord, until one day we will be with Him.” His wife, Mary, added, “If this was God’s will for us—if He has allowed this to happen—we will still honor Him.”
Brother Abdul forgives his son’s killers at his funeral.
At Solomon’s funeral, attended by 4,000 people, Abdul forgave his son’s killers, saying, “I believe that the killers of my son are also present here today. I want to say to you: I have forgiven you! Please repent and accept the forgiveness of Jesus.” God used this moment to bring glory to Himself, showing the powerful impact of forgiveness in the face of persecution. Abdul reflected, “The devil wants to throw us down into despair. But we know that through all this, God is pulling us even closer to Himself.”
Through their journey, Abdul and Mary have witnessed tremendous suffering and loss. Yet, despite the dangers and hardships, they remain committed to spreading the Gospel in northern Nigeria, helping others find the light of Christ amid darkness. As Abdul says, “With the Lord, whom we serve, we will always come out on top in the end.”
As leader of the Farmer Evangelist Project, Brother Abdul is reaching villages with the Gospel in some of the most dangerous places in the world!
Today, Abdul is the leader of the Farmer Evangelist project, a remarkable missions strategy that is reaching Muslims in Northern Nigeria. Many of our Farmer Evangelists are themselves former Muslims who, like Abdul, now believe in Jesus!
Through Call of Hope, they receive training in advanced agricultural methods, well digging and operation, and are provided with high-quality seeds and fertilizer. They are then sent to a completely Islamic village in the north of Nigeria and live there as farmers, teaching locals how to cultivate food and resources. As they establish friendships with the local Muslim population, they point them to Jesus Christ!
Find out more about how Abdul and his team of Farmer Evangelists are transforming entire villages in Northern Nigeria in “Persecutor to Preacher Pt. 2”