Arabic, English
34,495 sq mi
Approx. 9.5 million (plus approx. 2 million refugees)
97% Islamic (Sunni)
Life in Jordan
In Jordan, a predominantly Islamic country where Christians constitute merely 2% of the population, mission activities are not officially permitted. Despite this, our local staff successfully distribute a significant amount of Christian literature and calendars containing Bible verses to the Muslim community each year. The Jordanian secret police frequently monitor our employees, who must then demonstrate that they distribute Christian scriptures and Bibles solely upon specific requests. There is a substantial interest in Christian teachings among the Muslim population in Jordan.
A Little History
Since gaining independence from Great Britain in 1946, Jordan has been under the Hashemite royal family's rule, with King Abdullah II at the helm since 1999. Remarkably, it stands as one of the few Arab nations to have established a peace treaty with Israel. At first glance, Jordan appears to fare better than its war-stricken neighbors, Syria and Iraq. However, beneath the surface, challenges are mounting. The economic landscape in Jordan is troubled. Lacking the oil reserves that bolster many of its regional counterparts, Jordan faces financial constraints. Further complicating matters is the influx of numerous Iraqi and Syrian refugees, which strains the country's resources. In these trying times, the youthful population of Jordan is in dire need of the hope and direction that the Christian faith offers.

Our Work in Jordan
In addition to the important literary work, Call of Hope also regularly provides aid and discipleship to several thousand Syrian and Iraqi refugee families (Christians and Muslims). They are cared for directly on site in their accommodation and in several community centers. The Christian radio programs produced by our Jordanian co-workers reach the entire Arabic-speaking world via satellite and internet. The entirety of our in the rest of the nation includes:
Humanitarian aid for Syrian and Iraqi refugees
Distributing thousands of Christian scriptures and calendars
Church services for interested refugees, many of them Muslims
Children's lessons and children's meetings for Muslim children
Radio broadcasts for the entire Arab world
Spreading the Good News among Muslims via Facebook and WhatsApp
Call of Hope Projects in Jordan
Call of Hope Frontline Workers are always on their way to the people in the refugee camps to distribute live-saving aid as well as the Gospel of Christ!
We broadcast Biblically-based radio programs, and provide follow-up on the ground through trained pastor evangelists who live and serve in areas controlled by Muslim terrorist groups.
The heart of our work is the scriptural mission. We distribute numerous evangelistic writings and books in over 40 languages, in which we address the important fundamentals of the Christian faith.
Stories in the Middle East