English and African languages (e.g. Dagbani)
92,497 sq mi
Approximately 29 million
18% Muslim, 71% Christian, 5% tribal religions, 6% other
Life in Ghana
Our work in Ghana began in the 1980’s with the mission to work alongside nationals in mostly Northern Ghana where the large area, Dagbon, is home to hundreds of thousands of Muslims. Though other countries make an effort to convert locals to Islam, we are seeing continued favor in our projects. Call of Hope offers a variety of practical assistance and guidance opens the door to evangelism, along with discipleship and protection for new believers.
A Little History
The West African country of Ghana was a British protectorate from 1896 to 1957. Since that time, northern Ghana has become primarily Muslim. By the late 16th century, Islam was the ruling religious power in the Dagomba and Gonja tribes.
The Dagbon region covers approximately 12,000 square kilometers. People from different ethnic groups populate the area, however the most prevalent people groups are the Dagomba and the Konkomba. Only about 7% of the Dagomba are Christian, and only 33% of the Konkomba.
In recent years, an increasing number of mosques have been constructed in Ghana as Saudi Arabia and Iran vie for influence in the region. Every year, 280 new mosques are financed by Iran and Saudi Arabia while Islamic organizations offer free benefits to non-Muslims like medical care, education scholarships, and food in order to win the hearts of Ghanaians for Allah.
Our Work in Ghana
In the mid 1980s, Call of Hope began literature work and agricultural evangelism efforts in Ghana. There we interact with tens of thousands of Ghanaians, most of them Muslims in northern Ghana. Work is established in four districts: Tamale, Yendi, Gushiegu-Karaga, and Tolon. In partnership with the Good News Bible Church, 45 evangelical churches have been established in Dagbon. Our work also includes:
Literature Distribution
Correspondence Bible Courses
Personal Follow-up and Discipleship
Training Evangelists
Youth Conferences
Jesus Film Viewings
Church planting initiatives in Muslim Communities
Education assistance
Disaster relief/Humanitarian aid
Call of Hope Projects in Ghana
Our 35+ Farmer Evangelists are trained in both agriculture and Christian ministry to go into rural areas of Ghana.
The Call of Hope “Goat Project” provides a female goat to Christian families. When the goat produces offspring, they can be sold at market.
Imagine walking hours in the scorching sun to draw water from a shrinking lake. This is a reality for villages across Ghana.
The heart of our work is the scriptural mission. We distribute numerous evangelistic writings and books in over 40 languages, in which we address the important fundamentals of the Christian faith.
We broadcast Biblically-based radio programs, and provide follow-up on the ground through trained pastor evangelists who live and serve in Muslim areas.