
Hindi, Urdu, Bengali, English and many others

1,269,219 sq mi





Approximately 1.4 billion

80% Hindus, 14.5% Muslims, 2.3% Christians and others

Life in India

India is a country of stark contrasts. There is breathtaking beauty and astounding architectural wonder surrounded by the worst poverty that one could imagine. The men, women, and children experiencing the abject poverty of slum life have no hope for a better future. There is no clear way out of poverty and every day is a struggle for survival.

In addition to their physical needs, they are trapped in the grip of false religion and have a great spiritual need. Astoundingly the nation of India has the second-largest Muslim population in the world. Call of Hope is responding to the overwhelming need of Muslims in Delhi, and elsewhere in the country, by providing relief for their immediate, long-term, and eternal needs! 

A Little History

Christians in the exceedingly large country of India are attacked on every side. On one side the Hindu nationalistic government, under Prime Minister Narendra Modi, tightened the tone against the Christians in the country. In a speech, the well-known Hindu politician threatened to force all Christians and Muslims to convert to Hinduism by 2021, otherwise, they would be expelled from the country. Even if such statements cannot be put into practice, they show the current aggressive climate toward foreign beliefs in the country.

On the other side, Christians in various Indian federal states which are nearly 100% Muslim, stand in the firing line of fanatic Muslims willing to make life for a Christian hell on earth. Furthermore, when former Muslims become Christians, the persecution is almost unbearable. Our co-workers in India have experienced first hand how in a country of over 1.3 billion, Christians are cast aside and afflicted at every front.

Our Work in India

As we support the distressed Christians in India, we are also reaching out to Muslims in need. Although these same individuals persecute new converts, we believe God has the power to change their hearts. This is especially true as the physical needs of the impoverished in India become so clear. Call of Hope has adopted practical humanitarian efforts to help reach the lost and broken in densely populated Muslim communities. As Jesus taught, we are responding with love even amid hatred and persecution.

Our Frontline Workers have spent years now spreading the love of Christ in these areas of need with simple yet life-changing projects. In some villages, we’ve been able to provide weekly medical treatment to many that can’t afford it. Then, to address the income issue at its core, we offer vocational training to the local women, teaching them skills like tailoring and sewing. These marketable skills allow marginalized women to open their businesses and become a valued part of India’s society and economy. Our workers take these opportunities to share Christ’s love for them, as well as practical Biblical literature and training. Our work also includes:

  • Providing regular medical treatment in poverty stricken slums.

  • Training vocational skills to local Muslim and Christian women.

  • Distributing thousands of Bibles, evangelistic booklets, and calendars each year.

  • Correspondence from provided evangelical literature.

  • Seminars for Biblical training and encouragement.

Call of Hope Projects in India

  • Call of Hope Frontline Workers are working daily with refugees from Afghanistan that have been forced to flee to North India.

  • Refugee children from Afghanistan are able to seek shelter, education, and more in our expanding centers in North India.

  • The question is not whether the next catastrophe will occur, but when. A great advantage for Call of Hope is that we have co-workers ready to act immediately across the nation.

  • The Call of Hope clinic is the only healthcare option available for the poor and desperate in Northeast India.

  • The heart of our work is the scriptural mission. We distribute numerous evangelistic writings and books in over 40 languages, in which we address the important fundamentals of the Christian faith.

  • Call of Hope has created a vocational training program specifically for underprivileged women living in poverty. Women who once had very little hope are now empowered with the knowledge and skill set to operate their own business.

Stories in India

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