Brother Gulati in India Hospitalized by Serious Strand of COVID-19
In India, the Covid crisis has wreaked havoc on both the nation as a whole, and Call of Hope’s ministry throughout the country. Call of Hope’s Director in North East India, Brother Gulati, has contracted a very serious variant of the Covid-19 virus.

COVID Crisis Creates Opportunities to Share Christ
India is home to the largest pandemic lockdown in the world! The situation has become even more dire as people face starvation, public beating, and the fear of the the Covid virus in the world’s second most populated country.

Radio Ministry Brings Hope in the Midst of Covid-19 Panic
“I found it very strange that a Christian radio station could be received here in North Africa. I found it even stranger that this radio station broadcasts in my mother tongue Berber.”

How Farmers in Africa are Revolutionizing Ministry to Muslims
In Ghana, Nigeria, and Kenya, God gave Call of Hope a culturally appropriate method to connect with the people - Farmer Evangelism. Due to the rich agricultural area that makes up much of the land of these countries, most of the villagers have become farmers to feed and support their families.

Call of Hope: Ministering to Muslims through National Workers
Countless ministries all over the world are working in volatile areas with people groups that are indifferent or even hostile to the Gospel. That’s why it’s no small feat when Ron Chiricosta says Call Of Hope “astounded” him with their methods.
Former Muslims Are Reaching Their Neighbors with the Gospel
The apostle Paul is one of the most influential figures of the Bible and he himself authored much of The New Testament. Before he was an Apostle, Paul (then named Saul), was famous for persecuting Christians and opposition to the teachings of Christ.

How Farmers in Africa are Planting Seeds of Salvation
Although the Gospel message and God’s Word itself is unchanging, the presentation of the Good News is often adapted for each group that is receiving it.