How Important is The Bible to You?
How important is the Bible to you?
Surveys show that 88% of homes in the US have at least one Bible in them. You can find one at the bedside of your hotel room, in any bookstore, and even on your phone!
It may be hard to imagine a world where Bibles are scarce, but this is the reality in much of the Muslim world. Possessing a Bible in many Islamic countries is against the law, and in some cases punishable by imprisonment or worse.
God's Word is dishonored in many ways, and often is burned by extremist groups! Because of this, believers hold tightly to their Bibles because they know that if it is lost to them, they may never get one again.
At our center in Lebanon, a congregation of former Muslim Syrian refugees meets every week to receive teaching in God's Word. At the end of a recent service, we asked them "What does the Word of God mean to you?"
"The Bible shows us the true God and it teaches us how we can know him. It shows us the true faith and a God who loves us" - Ahmed
"The Muslim leaders used to tell us that the Bible is corrupted. Now I know the truth and the power it has to change our lives!" - Said
"The Word of God has the highest influence in my life and it teaches me my purpose. I have become a new person through the Bible." - Farez
Right now, there is a need for Bibles all across the Muslim world. If God has touched your heart, would you please consider giving a gift of $5 or more, so that we can put new Bibles in the hands of Muslim converts?
Please also pray for these new believers, that they would read, understand, and grow in the knowledge of God's Word.
Please pray for believers in Northern Nigeria who face danger every day for their faith in Christ. In this area, the Bible's are confiscated and burned in the streets.
Please Pray for new believers in the Syrian Refugee camps. Pray for their safety as they read the Word among their Muslims neighbors.
Pray for understanding. As new Christians read God's Word, they often have many questions and long to know more. Please pray that the Holy Spirit would speak to them and that Frontline Workers would explain the Word clearly.
New Christians yearn for the truth, encouragement, and peace found in the Bible. Right now, you can help bring light into the darkness!