Let the Children Come!
“Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.”
“I cannot leave Islam,” declared Musah 6 years ago. A Muslim politician and businessman in northern Ghana, Musah did not want to cause trouble in his town by embracing Christianity.
But after meeting with Brother Abukari over the course of an entire year and building a relationship with him, Musah finally allowed his son, Issah, and daughter, Rahana, to attend the Christian children’s programs offered by Call of Hope.
Overjoyed that this prominent Muslim man would entrust his children to their care, Brother Abukari knew God had a plan! He continued to pray for Musah and his family, and every week went to their house to pick the children up for service.
Issah and Rahana, looked forward every week to the youth activities and church services. And Abukari continued to faithfully bring them. He often had short conversations with Musah and always knew how the family was doing. When Musah’s motorbike business was struggling so badly that he could not pay his children’s school fees, Call of Hope stepped in to help.
Isaah and Rahana
After several years, Musah saw the consistent outpouring of love and care by Abukari and others at Call of Hope. This made a lasting impression on Musah as he pondered the Bible and the claims of Christ. Now a teenager, his son Issah had heard a lot about Jesus, made friends with Christians, and soon placed his trust in Christ. Rahana, his younger sister, soon put her faith in Christ too. As they learned more and more about God, their lives changed dramatically, so much that Musah took notice! Watching them and seeing their transformed lives gave him a great desire to know Jesus too.
As Brother Abukari was leading a church service last summer, suddenly into the serviced walked Musah.
Abukari recounts, “Before I had even preached the sermon he raised his hands, approached and said, ‘Teach me how to be saved’. Shocked on the one hand, but also delighted, I asked Musah to sit down first and to listen to the sermon.”
That very day all our prayers were answered! After the service Musah accepted Jesus Christ as his Saviour! He later confided that Abukari’s years of showing love and care for his children, and never giving up on them, allowed God to open his eyes and speak in to his heart! When Musah let his children learn about Jesus, he too received the wonderful gift of salvation!