Evangelism guide
Today, most people prefer to talk about the similarities between Christianity and Islam, rather than stir the pot and create more conflict. However, understanding the basic tenants of Islam and how they compare with the truths of the Bible, is very important!
Muslims, regardless of whether they come from Asia or Africa, love to engage in conversations about life, culture, and sometimes even religion.
Almost a quarter of the people on earth identify themselves with the religion of Islam. It is the second largest religion and growing. As Christians, it is essential that we understand how to engage and share the love of Christ with the Muslim world. With this in mind, here are 5 basic things every Christian should know about Muslims.
As Christians, sharing our faith also requires us to understand where other religious beliefs come from. For a Muslim, the concept of “Sharia Law” is the guiding principle for nearly every area of their lives. The literal meaning of “Sharia” in Arabic is, “the way to the oasis.”
Surveys show that 88% of homes in the US have at least one Bible in them. You can find one at the bedside of your hotel room, in any bookstore, and even on your phone!
What is the biggest difference between Christianity and Islam? Just ask Karim. As one of the newest Christians to find Christ through Call of Hope’s radio ministry in North Africa, Karim has a fresh perspective on the two belief systems.
The common opinion among both Muslims and non-Muslims is that the acts of ISIS have nothing to do with the actual practice of Islam.
Abed, a young Muslim man, stands in the center of a refugee camp in Jordan. As he looks around at the endless rows of makeshift tents that he and his neighbors now call home, he tries to recall how he got to this moment.
Because of the danger involved in reaching out to a war torn area many charities have struggled to effectively give aid to those in desperate need.
Have you ever wondered what life is like for women in Muslim countries? What is it like to wear a veil in public?