Sister Barongo's Inspiring Women's Day Story
“But I will stay on …because a great door for effective work has opened to me, and there are many who oppose me.”
Sister Barongo is one of 18 teachers in the Call of Hope primary school in the north of Kenya, an Islamic stronghold controlled by the Al-Shabaab terrorist group. She helps teach and train the 620 children at the award-winning school. Her devotion to the children and to the Lord is unwavering in spite of terrible suffering.
When she is not teaching, Sister Barongo tirelessly travels to surrounding villages to distribute our evangelistic literature. Because of this she has received on-going threats from the militants to persuade her to stop. “We will visit you. You will scream in pain and open your mouth until we see your last tooth.” She was not dissuaded. Then they told her: “These are no longer warnings. We are already here - very close: get away from here with all your books!” She continued anyway, saying, “I will not leave - this is my place. I will witness Jesus every day!”
That is when Sister Barongo received a chilling message, “‘You can pick up your boy.” Her 7-year-old son was drowned and left next to a village well on Nov. 28, 2021
In spite of her grief, Sister Barongo has committed to stay. She says, “We must continue our work as before. My son Mudomi is now at the Lord’s breast. He can feel the heartbeat of his heavenly Father. The heartbeat of His love.” The other teachers feel the same, they are all devoted to sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ no matter what. They say, “Even if the same thing happens to us, we will stay.” Like the Apostle Paul, they see a great door for effective work and chose to be God’s messengers of hope, regardless of the opposition.
Sister Barongo is one of many faithful women co-workers who witness of the love and mercy of God in dangerous, difficult places. On this International Women’s Day, please pray for Sister Barongo, as well as the other teachers at our school in Kenya. Pray also for women throughout the Muslim world who joyfully serve the Lord with little thought for their own lives; as well as the widows and children of co-workers who have given their lives for the sake of the Gospel.
Would you also consider supporting the important work of these faithful ones? A gift towards our Women’s Ministry fund will help spread the Good News to those who do not yet know Him!
Thank you for praying and helping reach Muslims for Christ!