A praise report to start the new year!

With every new year comes new challenges, but be encouraged, God is faithful in every season! Nobody knows this better than Call of Hope’s Director in East India, Brother Gulati. You may remember the urgent prayer request we sent out when brother Gulati contracted a very serious variant of COVID 19 last year.

“When my husband’s oxygen level deteriorated significantly, we desperately sought admission to an emergency hospital. However, the hospitals in Lucknow strictly refused to admit a COVID patient. It was getting late, the evening curfew came into effect and we were still wandering the streets,” his wife recalls. Finally after searching for hours they were admitted to a clinic at 11 pm.

Doctors did not give Brother Gulati much hope for making it to the new year, but we know that we serve the Great Physician! We urgently asked you, our prayer partners, to faithfully intercede for his recovery – and God answered with a Miracle!

Slowly, Gulati’s condition began to improve. After weeks of treatment in an intensive care unit, he was discharged from the hospital and free to go home. Although he was still very weak and had lost a significant amount of weight, he rejoiced in the strength of Jesus!

“When I found myself in the valley of death a few weeks ago, I had to think back to the day many years ago when I accepted Jesus as my personal Savior. At that time, my Muslim friends abandoned me only because I wanted to follow Jesus. But I can testify today, at 52 years old, that God has never abandoned me! Just as Jesus promised in John 14:18, ‘I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you.’” 

As we enter the new year, be encouraged that the same God who healed brother Gulati is with you today! Whatever challenges you may be facing today, Jesus is with you!