Praise Reports

I am 41 years old and married with seven children. Thanks to you and your evangelistic material, I found the real, only and most powerful God two years ago. My family has come to faith too, and we were baptized together. I am no longer called Mohammed. I am Elijah. Please pray for my family and I.

 I thank you for everything you do for us.  I’m 20 years old and I study law. I had both physical and psychological problems. I found in your letters the only hope and the ship that can save me. I came to understand Jesus as the Son of God, but I do not understand many things in the Bible. Please send me books to help me to better understand and strengthen me to go through the difficult things in my life.

I have received your books. I want to send you greetings through the New Year and wish you every success and blessing. Your books are very helpful and have had a lot of impact on me. By reading these words, I feel at home with Jesus Christ. I gave my life to the Lord and now I am his disciple. I would like to study at a Bible school so I can work in my country and evangelize my own people. Do you have also books about church fathers like Augustine and Martin Luther? Please send me these books as well.

Honored Brothers, I will be 50 years old soon. I heard the Gospel of Jesus for the first time 10 years ago. At that time I received some Christian books that I studied intensively. My interest in the Christian faith soon became known in the village and I was threatened by many people. They told me: “If you go on like this, we will take your wife and children away. If you still don’t repent, we will kill you.” I was so frightened that I stopped reading the Christian books. Since then I have had no peace in my heart.

This evening, a new chapter of my life began. I heard your radio program “Jesus and his Work of Salvation”. I was very much encouraged by the fact that you used to be a Muslim and had many difficulties after becoming a Christian. I would like to get to know Jesus Christ better. I would like to believe in him no matter what it costs! Please help me and tell me how I can belong to the congregation of Jesus.

In the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! Honored brethren, I send you greetings. Thank you for your efforts and generosity in the past years. May the Lord bless your hands and the hands of those who write, print and send your books out! As you asked I am sending you my life story. After I came to faith in my Lord Jesus I lost my job. Since then I have been working as a day laborer and earning only half as much as before. But I do not see this as a big loss. I thank our God that he has always kept me and my family since He saved me.

Sincere greetings to you all! I would just like to inform you in this letter that I, your brother came to faith in our Lord Jesus, the Son of God.  I read the Sermon on the Mount. While reading these words of our Lord, I felt a peace and joy deep inside like I had never felt it before. I read the words of our Lord again and suddenly it became clear to me that it is not a human being but God himself who is speaking through these words.

Please excuse me for writing strange things. I am reporting what happened one day. I knelt down right away and prayed to Jesus Christ. I said, “I believe in you and pray to you as my God.” So since then I am your brother! My wife and children think that I have been visited by a demon. I told them, “The exact opposite has happened. The true God came to me and drove out the demon of Islam.”

Please send me English children’s books and a New Testament for my wife. She wants to have her own copy. “Please send me all of your books in Arabic. Since one month we have been allowed to receive books from abroad as long as they do not break Egyptian law. I have been in prison here since 1995 for a life-long sentence. I learned about you from a Coptic fellow prisoner who gave me one of your tracts. People are evil. I am a good example of this. Even the innocent Christ was tortured. That is what the tract said. But as a murderer I deserve to be sentenced to death. But in spite of this they will release me in two years.”

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