A Former Terrorist Comes to Christ

Jesus replied, "What is impossible with man is possible with God."
- Luke 18:27

It seems like everyday we are faced with the tragic news of a terror attack somewhere in the world. But even in these difficult times, God is still at work in the midst of these unimaginable events.  In Lebanon, where Call of Hope has been working to assist those who have fled ISIS, we have seen the seemingly impossible happen: Mohammad, a former terrorist, coming to faith in Jesus Christ.

Mohammad , a former al-Qaida fighter in Syria was trained to kill, and then was sent to Lebanon, disguised as a refugee, to carry out their deadly plans. At first, Mohammad came to the Call of Hope center in search of food and supplies. He was determined not to listen to the Gospel message, but he was taken back by one particular scripture that he heard, "For God so loved the world..." The fact that God could actually love him was astonishing to Mohammad and he wanted to know more about this Jesus. 

He received a Bible and literature that would answer his questions. He then began attending Bible studies offered by Call of Hope frontline workers. As his interest grew, he began meeting privately with a COH worker for additional study of the scriptures. He read and studied all of the Call of Hope material, and then after several months of counsel and care from frontline workers, Mohammad made his decision to follow Jesus as Lord and Savior!

Although not all at once, individuals like Mohammad are coming to know Christ! In these difficult and dangerous times, please continue to pray for the safety of Call of Hope frontline workers and that Muslim's would come to know the love of Christ! Even in the midst of these challenging conditions, God is working powerfully!